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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Writing From Haiti...

I left Portland on the 6th of December, 2009 for Port au Prince, Haiti. It was not difficult getting the supplies and suitcases on the plane. I think at the time , I was scared to fly such a long way away from what I was use to and it was difficult to leave for other reasons ..as well. I boarded a small plane which took us to California..After passing customs for the 2nd time, I knew then it would not be easy to get to Haiti. California is at a high security and as you move closer to Florida it worsens. It was raining in California, and very windy. We boarded onto another plane, the 727.  I believe it is the largest plane I have ever flown on in my life. In Florida , I decided to go another way, and eventually was completely lost. I had help at Starbucks, and after stepping outside for a moment ..I knew then it would be very humid and hot in Haiti...however, at this time - I had no idea how hot and humid it would actually be. We flew after afew hours straight to Port au Prince, on the same kind of plane. It felt very foreign and extremely different once boarding the 727. I should have learned creole or french..kind of late for that now.

We had to fill out some paper work on the plane- stating the purpose of the visit and how long we plan to stay in Haiti. After two hours, we arrived. It was heart breaking to see people crowded at the airport, wanting food, money, and will help for anything. Then it hits you at that moment..how much need is needed in Haiti. Everyone is in need. It was hot but all I kept thinking about at this moment , was to breath. Just breath. My father told me before I left America to remember, "It is all good.." it really doesn't work here for that saying, it is hard for the people here. It is difficult to walk down a street without ten or twenty people asking for money, food or to help for something. Haiti needs help and lots of it. The people are genuine and smile even when they are suffering. When I first arrived , Cajuste the director for People In Need took me to the office. I met the staff, Sophia and Myriam , who greeting me with a hug and a kiss. I gave each one  gifts from me and went over the plan for the next two weeks.
After we closed the office at 4pm, Cajuste took me to St.Josephs. Which is a house for boys that were either abandoned or left with no parents to take care of them. I really love what Father Michael is doing for these boys and spoke with him several times since Sunday about the boys, the other centers he has and about Haiti. It was difficult to sleep , even after flying all night, and then the heat and humidity played it's toll for the rest of the evening. I reflected for hours on the experience, issues, and crisis that now surrounds me.
In the morning , of the 7th of December. I was woken to roosters ((screaming)) out the window . Which had to be open all night for me to sleep without over exposing heat. I had a delicious breakfast with the guests and then Cajuste picked me up and we went to the office. There was no power and no computers running. Cajuste said it was the first time it has ever happened. I took this as a great day to decorate for Christmas. I got very creative and cut and decorated the office for the staff and partners. Then all the supplies and gifts for the children went in the appropriate places, and was able to plan for our visits to Citi Soleil . There are people in the streets on sidewalks selling all their furniture, clothes, and food to provide for their families. It just takes your breath away to see this. It is an epidemic and people need to help Haiti.
I will write about today once I have completed the work that I am doing on the partners. Thank you for your prayers and thoughts..especially the positive and encouraging ones. I am grateful for this moment, to see the truth and to feel the humanities hopes and dreams. I will be reporting to partners about the update and messages to their partners, as well as , search for a deep and meaningful way to help people in need partnership and the people of Haiti. - From Haiti, Jennifer Johnson. 12/09/2009

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reading today's update, and want to find out more about your trip to Cite Soleil and your other personal interactions with Haitians. This kind of 'reality' is so important to experience, and I can see that in your words.


Hello. My name is Jennifer. I started this blog to document my trip to Haiti. I am the review page and future page coordinator for PINP . My trip to Haiti will start on December 6th, 2009. I will be updating posts, pictures and videos ;as often as possible. I do want to share with the viewers and followers that I am worried.. and at the same time excitingly anticipating this trip. I feel that we all need to help those in poverty in anyway possible. I heard warnings the other day...like: Don't go outside after 6pm, watch your feet when walking anywhere, Talk softly in the slums, out of respect?..and a few other important hints. I do want my viewers and followers to keep in mind that I have never left America, except two trips through Canada to return to Alaska and if you can count Hawaii?? not exactly..so my main hope is to be able to find out what the people need for their futures, ways to help PINP , work with the staff for PINP and to see for own eyes the situations effecting Haitian people, their culture and most importantly their future. This is your personal invitation to follow me through a nation that has so many beautiful people, in serious life threatening living conditions. I hope that it helps bring awareness to the situations that PINP is working hard to resolve, and hopefully there is a moment when it connects you with someone that you will see, and personally want to start a relationship with , and if you feel that you are ready to make a relationship with someone from a different place then yours and help build that relationship with a child slave, mother with starving children or to help a child go to school , this is a way to personally start a partnership- a friendship ; please visit, www.pinpartnership.org . I also would like to mention that my partner is Naser Gardy, I have been his partner since May. I have received letters, video's and we have built a strong friendship from such a distance apart..the beautiful thing that is going to happen is - we will meet face to face for the first time. I will be posting video's and picture's as often as I possible can..which makes me excited to finally have the chance to meet him. Welcome to my blog. I hope you join me on my journey to understanding poverty , helping PINP and seeing a real meeting of true partnership.````````````````````

If you have any questions, comments or are interested in learning more about PINP and ways to help please contact me directly at: genisenow@hotmail.com , my name is Jennifer. Thank you once again for looking at my blog today.