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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Only 4 days..

It is amazing how this place, the people and the culture have not only taught me so much but also have touched my heart in a way that I can not describe. This elder lady had seen me the day before at St. Joseph waiting for what seemed forever for Cajuste to arrive. I think I waited for 2 hours but lost track of the time. Then today, she saw me waiting and brought me a gift , a bright yellow sunflower candle holder. I thought immediately of him, because we love sunflowers and we are much like the sunflower. It is so beautiful that they will open their hearts and homes to complete strangers. This man yesterday told me that the reason I see so many women washing clothes day and day out, is because of two reasons. One is they forget their problems and the other is they have nothing else to do. If they had a shop on the street they could sell products. I mean anything. Imagine all the small things you have thrown away, and the containers, boxes of things you no longer use, here they sell them all day in the heat to put food on the table for their family. I think it is important for everyone to see this and to realize what we have taken for granted that we all feel we have not. Yet. we have. Greatly. I see this under the same sun. I am sure I have mentioned, it is very hot. Indeed it is..and yet you appreciate the health, the good water ( which most do not get) the water system here is really really bad. Some of them, which would be over 200,000 have sewer like water for washing, drinking and eating. If you could only see what my eyes have seen , you would appreciate the small things more then what you have gained . Because , even though they have nothing - they have laughter, family is so close and they don't set a limit to when you must leave the house- I met a lot who have been with their family all their lives and now they are in their 30's, and the joy in their hearts is blessed. They smile, and show gratefulness, and have very little material things. This truly has taught me valuable lesson and so much more understanding for what G-d wants his people to have . It is more then looking "outside the box" and greater then the value of a diamond. There are many people here that need so much. So many are hungry, sick and in need of a shelter for their family. They do not usually say they need a house, they say shelter for their family. I found that there are two reasons that most children want to be a doctor or a nurse. The first reason is obvious, to help their people feel better, fix the pain and operate on where it hurts. The second is because they have seen the houses and cars the doctors, lawyers and nurses are driving and living conditions. I do love the food here and the rice is great, looks like dirty rice but it has a great taste. I will miss the plentiful fruits that are here.There are so many tropical fruits that I have tried and they are delicious. I will do my two interviews today, and try to stay cool. Even in the shade it feels so hot. I have not seen any rain since I arrived and do miss the rain now in Oregon.

I do miss Thai ice tea, my family, clean air , him, and Mocha's...Oh the air in America is blessed. Try to appreciate the things you have and you will also see this joy, this happiness and this kind of love. I have always been blessed by G-d with love inside me, and now it is even greater then before..since I came to haiti.

G-d bless Everyone.
Love & Light Always,


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Hello. My name is Jennifer. I started this blog to document my trip to Haiti. I am the review page and future page coordinator for PINP . My trip to Haiti will start on December 6th, 2009. I will be updating posts, pictures and videos ;as often as possible. I do want to share with the viewers and followers that I am worried.. and at the same time excitingly anticipating this trip. I feel that we all need to help those in poverty in anyway possible. I heard warnings the other day...like: Don't go outside after 6pm, watch your feet when walking anywhere, Talk softly in the slums, out of respect?..and a few other important hints. I do want my viewers and followers to keep in mind that I have never left America, except two trips through Canada to return to Alaska and if you can count Hawaii?? not exactly..so my main hope is to be able to find out what the people need for their futures, ways to help PINP , work with the staff for PINP and to see for own eyes the situations effecting Haitian people, their culture and most importantly their future. This is your personal invitation to follow me through a nation that has so many beautiful people, in serious life threatening living conditions. I hope that it helps bring awareness to the situations that PINP is working hard to resolve, and hopefully there is a moment when it connects you with someone that you will see, and personally want to start a relationship with , and if you feel that you are ready to make a relationship with someone from a different place then yours and help build that relationship with a child slave, mother with starving children or to help a child go to school , this is a way to personally start a partnership- a friendship ; please visit, www.pinpartnership.org . I also would like to mention that my partner is Naser Gardy, I have been his partner since May. I have received letters, video's and we have built a strong friendship from such a distance apart..the beautiful thing that is going to happen is - we will meet face to face for the first time. I will be posting video's and picture's as often as I possible can..which makes me excited to finally have the chance to meet him. Welcome to my blog. I hope you join me on my journey to understanding poverty , helping PINP and seeing a real meeting of true partnership.````````````````````

If you have any questions, comments or are interested in learning more about PINP and ways to help please contact me directly at: genisenow@hotmail.com , my name is Jennifer. Thank you once again for looking at my blog today.