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Friday, January 8, 2010

Enlightenment On My Return From Haiti

One of the many things that I noticed in Haiti, is there are few to no street signs, and speed limits . Which means there are no speed limits. I think it is so dangerous to cross the streets, or walk through the cities with out noticing every car, bus or taxi. You have to always be alert  because they don't have any laws on the street for the safety of the pedestrians crossing the street or walking down the roads. I saw many people with out legs, or handicapped and thought , is this from the people driving? It is worse in the country and the roads are very narrow and wind all the way through the mountains and valleys. There is another think about the roads and streets in Haiti..there is many pot holes, and even sewer , work man holes that are open, so on top of watching the traffic- you also have to look down and make sure to not fall into a hole.  

There was 5 children that I spoke to outside of St.Joseph, by the front gate.They  asked me for my help one evening. When I asked how I can help them, one of the little boys who spoke english a little said he needed water. Since I was a guest at St.Joseph, I had to ask Father Michael if it was okay to give the boys some water. Father Michael said "no Jennifer, you can't give our water to the boys. Because once you help these children , then many will come and then we won't have water for our boys."  It is sad that the simplest things that we take for granted , there is a life that desperately needs these things.

I thought about the Bette Midler  song , "from a distance"  and in the sound it states, " from a distance there is harmony" it goes on to say that from a distance everything is find, no hunger, no suffering, etc. When you actually arrive into the reality that surrounds you, then you truly see what suffering is.. what hunger is , and the truth that a lot of lives are starving , that there are countries that have slavery still and you see that the future in these environments needs immediate help. There are some American's, who look at a person in America who drops out of school- as trash, and then they think they will only end up in  a bad situation. Imagine living where only 10% even go to school. I was fortunate to finish elementary, secondary education and then some college but I stop and thank of how lucky I was to be able to have everything essentially that I needed growing up.

I was able to speak to many people either on the streets, food vender or just walking. I noticed that even the business owners were in desperate need and when I spoke to them they were trying to make me a deal to buy their merchandise. There are some wonderful artists, painters, woodmen and so many other forms of artists in Haiti. Each either learned from family or on their own. I was very fortunate to be able to bring many of these beautiful art pieces back with me for my family and friends. I spoke to an old man who said he has been working on his art since he was only 9 years old, and that is all he knows how to do. He was happy and had a very genuine  smile. He told me that he always creates something different with each one of his paints and he was so happy to show me all his art work. I bought many of my gifts from him. In Haiti he is very fortunate because only 20% of the population can contribute their work or can afford to learn the tectonic to develop their talents.

My work involved speaking to the partners with People in Need Partnership and write about their future goals, dreams and also review their program as well as find out what their immediate needs were from their partners. I spoke to 14 of  the partners, and the deep compassion and truthful suffering that I listened to for hours at  time and each day I would see these partners and we would go over details on their life, their struggles and hardship, and deeper into the conversations they would express to me their dreams. Most of the dreams or goals surfaced around Doctors, Nurses, Mechanics, Dress Making or Cooking. I can understand why most of them would state they wished to be a doctor or a nurse because of what they see and have seen. Many have died in their arms or beside them and there was a lot of tearful moments with some that have lost everyone in their life and they were just twenty years old. 

There was an interview I had one sunny hot day in Haiti and it was actually ironic that she showed up on the day that I had already scheduled the two interviews with partners and after I finished the young girls going to school now thanks to our program , who looked so malnourished and in desperate need healthy nutritious food .. I explained to Cajuste that I can interview since we still had a few hours left before closing the office that day. I had a translator with me that day and both him and I were not ready for what this young lady was about to tell us. I stop still thinking about the truthful pain, suffering and human abandonment that she must feel and yet she is strong and shows no sign of the struggles she faces day to day.

After we introduced ourselves to each other, I asked her the basic questions. Her age, year in school and then I asked her about her family situation. I think now, in my life I will be very careful to ask people "so how is your family or family life" because of this young lady. She was only twenty years old, and her mother died at the age of nine, her father at the age of fourteen and then she became pregnant . She had no family, all her uncles, grandparents, everyone was gone but her and her son. I asked her, after catching my own breath, "what about the father to your son? Doesn't he help you?" ..there was a long silent pause. I looked to my translator , worried now about the answer she would soon give me. She looked up with tears in her eyes, looked right into my eyes , and said, " after my son turned four months old..the father to my child died." I was speechless, and here I was trying to give encouragement, words of wisdom, light of hope and this young lady sat in front of me with only her son. She has many health problems and each day she goes to the main streets in Port au Prince to sell Lemon , and hopefully if she makes 50 gouds , she can have enough to feed her and her son. 50 gouds is like $1.00 in America. I had to drink some of my bottled water..paused for what seemed two minutes, then I turned to my translator and asked how her relationship is with her partner. She spoke only the kindest things about her partner and I could see in her eyes how special her partner was to her.

Most of the children or young mothers I interviewed seemed very malnourished and in desperate need for healthy food and water. At times, I would have to take a break to breath because when you hear the reality from the source, see with your own eyes what extreme poverty is and then you can't help but want to do anything and everything humanly possible to solve this crisis. There is so much need and so much help needed in Haiti, and I hope that people will also want to help these people in need.
I will write soon. Peace and Love.                                                                                  

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Hello. My name is Jennifer. I started this blog to document my trip to Haiti. I am the review page and future page coordinator for PINP . My trip to Haiti will start on December 6th, 2009. I will be updating posts, pictures and videos ;as often as possible. I do want to share with the viewers and followers that I am worried.. and at the same time excitingly anticipating this trip. I feel that we all need to help those in poverty in anyway possible. I heard warnings the other day...like: Don't go outside after 6pm, watch your feet when walking anywhere, Talk softly in the slums, out of respect?..and a few other important hints. I do want my viewers and followers to keep in mind that I have never left America, except two trips through Canada to return to Alaska and if you can count Hawaii?? not exactly..so my main hope is to be able to find out what the people need for their futures, ways to help PINP , work with the staff for PINP and to see for own eyes the situations effecting Haitian people, their culture and most importantly their future. This is your personal invitation to follow me through a nation that has so many beautiful people, in serious life threatening living conditions. I hope that it helps bring awareness to the situations that PINP is working hard to resolve, and hopefully there is a moment when it connects you with someone that you will see, and personally want to start a relationship with , and if you feel that you are ready to make a relationship with someone from a different place then yours and help build that relationship with a child slave, mother with starving children or to help a child go to school , this is a way to personally start a partnership- a friendship ; please visit, www.pinpartnership.org . I also would like to mention that my partner is Naser Gardy, I have been his partner since May. I have received letters, video's and we have built a strong friendship from such a distance apart..the beautiful thing that is going to happen is - we will meet face to face for the first time. I will be posting video's and picture's as often as I possible can..which makes me excited to finally have the chance to meet him. Welcome to my blog. I hope you join me on my journey to understanding poverty , helping PINP and seeing a real meeting of true partnership.````````````````````

If you have any questions, comments or are interested in learning more about PINP and ways to help please contact me directly at: genisenow@hotmail.com , my name is Jennifer. Thank you once again for looking at my blog today.